Harrisburg International Airport

Program Planning

In support of a Part 150 update, the Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority (Authority) hired Jones Payne to conduct a sound insulation feasibility study for churches in Highspire, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the study was to review the existing conditions and building systems for 3 facilities to determine the implications of these systems on their acoustical performance.

Voluntary Land Acquisition and Relocation Program

The Authority hired Jones Payne to provide property management services for the Voluntary Land Acquisition and Relocation Program (Program) at Harrisburg International Airport. The Program focused on properties located in the borough of Middletown (Borough). The Authority created the Program to give eligible homeowners an option to voluntarily sell homes adversely impacted by aircraft noise, and then help participants relocate into similar dwellings outside of the noise-impact area.


Did you know that the land attained by the Program enhanced the storm water infiltration capacity of the neighborhood and resulted in the development of a park at the southern end of the Borough at the confluence of the Susquehanna River and Swatara Creek?

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