Monterey Regional Airport

Program Planning

The Monterey Peninsula Airport District (Airport District) hired Jones Payne to oversee its Sound Insulation Program (Program) to reduce noise levels inside buildings – in compliance with Monterey Regional Airport’s Part 150 Noise Compatibility Plan. As program manager, Jones Payne provided comprehensive planning services to support the Program’s successful implementation. At the direction of the Airport District, Jones Payne performed 2 studies: (1) the Del Monte School Feasibility Study to determine if schools were eligible for sound insulation and (2) the Program Edge Study, which used GIS to more accurately define Program eligibility and boundaries.


Residential Sound Insulation Program

Jones Payne delivered program, design and construction management, community outreach, and information management/GIS services for the Airport District’s Program. The boundary area for sound insulation focused on three neighborhoods: Cassanova-Oak Knoll, Villa Del Monte and Del Monte Beach.


School Sound Insulation Program 

Jones Payne worked in collaboration with Monterey Peninsula Unified District (MPUD) under contract with the Airport District to prepare and publish the Del Monte School Feasibility Study, which outlined the expansion of the Program to include noise-affected schools resulting from aircraft operations during normal school hours. The study included treatment approaches, project timelines and budgets and was used to successfully secure FAA funding to sound insulate Del Monte Elementary School.

MPUD closed Del Monte Elementary School in 2002. The school reopened in 2011 as Bay View Academy and is currently a registered charter school in the state of California, serving students in grades K-8.


Information Management

Jones Payne provided information management services to support the Airport District’s Program with respect to project controls, community outreach and GIS.


“Our family, and the community, are well served by the level of precision and professionalism the project personnel delivered. Thank you for your part, and please relay our appreciation to the various people involved.”Homeowner letter addressed to Airport Director

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