Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport

Noise Mitigation Program

Since 2008, Jones Payne has worked as the lead sub-consultant on a team, providing noise mitigation services to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport’s (Airport) Noise Mitigation Program (NMP). The NMP, run by the Broward County Aviation Department (BCAD), provides sound insulation treatments to nearly 2,000 dwellings negatively impacted by the Airport’s South Runway Expansion Project. Jones Payne is responsible for program, design and construction management, and information management and GIS consulting services.


Program Planning

Jones Payne provided comprehensive program planning and implementation services to support the successful launch of the Airport’s NMP. 


Information Management

Jones Payne provided comprehensive information management services to support the Airport’s NMP with respect to project controls, community outreach and GIS.


Read more about the Airport’s NMP in Airport News.

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