Central Link Light Rail Project
Residential Sound Insulation Program
For 8 years, JP worked in concert with the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (Authority), providing comprehensive noise mitigation services for the Central Link Light Rail Project’s Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSIP). JP directed program management, architectural and acoustic design, mechanical, electrical, structural and environmental engineering, homeowner coordination, construction management, and field representation. The Authority created the RSIP to reduce interior sound levels for Rainier Valley homes impacted by the light rail project.
- Facilitated a coordinated public relations and outreach campaign.
- Established customer service standards.
- Provided a property owner liaison, based in the program field office, to coordinate and schedule meetings with stakeholders.
- Provided translation and interpretive services – Languages spoken in the impacted neighborhoods included Tagalog, Vietnamese, Chi-Viet, Mandarin, Spanish, Cantonese, Laotian, and Korean.
- Created partnerships with local agencies and businesses to help local contractors respond to the sound insulation construction contracts.
- Incorporated green building practices in material selection, construction procedures, and material re-use.
- Completed the sound insulation of 150 dwellings.