Bradley International Airport
Residential Sound Insulation Program
For 8 years, JP worked with the Connecticut Aviation Authority (Authority), delivering comprehensive noise mitigation services for the Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSIP) at Bradley International Airport. The Authority created the RSIP to help alleviate noise impacts to the surrounding communities. As prime consultant, JP determined program eligibility, conducted windshield surveys and house inventories, developed a policy and procedures manual, and formulated the acoustical criteria, guidelines and testing plan.
- Facilitated the completion of a noise exposure map update.
- Developed a program implementation plan that included:
- Determination of program eligibility.
- Windshield surveys and house inventories.
- Development of a policy and procedures manual.
- Creation of management and communications plans.
- Design and development of communication materials to include program documents and newsletters.
- Formulation of the acoustical criteria, guidelines and testing plan.
- Meetings with local officials and workshops for the tenants.
- Created and launched a program website.
- Completed the sound mitigation of 245 residential homes.
Information Management
As prime consultant to the Authority’s RSIP, JP developed and implemented an interactive program website, which provided homeowners the opportunity to instantly access status information. The website also enhanced the Authority’s ability to manage, track and analyze program information.
- Developed a custom website, which featured the following components:
- Interactive home eligibility and status lookup.
- Live map, which displayed each home’s location within the noise contour.
- Online appointment scheduling with RSIP program staff.
- Ability to submit corrected homeowner and structure information.
- Ability to ask questions, submit comments and rank page helpfulness.
- Ability to interface with other systems to display live content.
- Results publishable as a RSS feed for use in other systems.